Unstoppable Farce tells the story of “Mr. Mirth” himself, in his own words, how he created his Lithuanian Chupacabra alter ego, honed his signature Cheezy Pleezers bit, and became a viral sensation on Qlip Qlop and H!jnx. And that’s just the beginning. Audio editions of specific chapters are available to 21st century comedy fans in podcast form (as they are transmitted across the fabric of spacetime) on all standard platforms:
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/unstoppable-farce-the-mitch-maloney-story/id1617255594
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.ca/podcasts/a566fe5f-d0f2-4df6-964b-05dbf1c75495/unstoppable-farce-the-mitch-maloney-story
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/unstoppable-farce-the-mitch-maloney-story
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2GRrXR2kV2bbpsAJ41TOTL
The pages below are to be included as the photo insert section of the print edition, in the subset of potential universes where the print edition eventually will exist.